I have had many students and parents inquire about what, specifically, a Candidate belt means? What does it look like, and what is the purpose?
First, a Bit about the Black Belt Process at Team Karate Centers Columbus.
We are a center dedicated to, and specializing in, the traditional training of Youth and Children. For those who are unaware, we only accept new students between the ages of 4.5 and 10 years. Our reason for doing this is to ensure that we have plenty of time to help our students develop a solid Martial Art foundation while they are in elementary and middle school - BEFORE they get busy with their Hgh School Activities.
By limiting our student base, we are able to focus entirely on age appropriate curriculum. It is my personal belief that regardless how talented a child may be physically, they do not have the emotional maturity to earn a full "Shodan" before the minimum age of 13. Now, if a child begins at 5 years old - which many of our students do - that could mean that they have to wait for 8 years before being awarded a black belt. By any standard, that is a very long time. So, to award our younger students appropriately, we allow them to test for their 'Junior Black" if they are younger than 13 and for "Shodan" if they are over.
Regardless, approximately 6 months prior to our Annual Black Belt Exam, we establish the final "team" of testers. This team is comprised of Red Belts and is called the "Black Belt Candidate Team". Once they take their Candidate exam, they are awarded a red/black belt called the "Candidate" belt. This signifies that they have been assigned a Black belt Exam Date and will be testing withing the next 6 months. Some other things to know about the Candidate Team:
Every Team:
- Has a Captain.
- Is given a Team Name.
- Must Pick a "Cause" that they will work toward - and raise money for for the duration of their Candidate Phase.
- Will Have their own Custom Made Logo.
- Will Have to Attend 3 team building events
- Will put on their own Black Belt Extravaganza, or Show, at Black Belt Graduation.
- Will host a "Parent Dinner" where they will serve their family and friends...as a Thank you for the years their parents have dedicated to bringing them to practice.
The Candidate Process is an Amazing, and unforgettable, journey. Please join us as we establish the First Team on April 18, 2010. 1:00 PM.
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